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To get the rha11y-media-motion bookmarklet, drag the following link to your bookmarks bar. You may also click the link directly to use it on this page for testing. (Refresh the page to reset it.)
The rha11y-media-motion bookmarklet doesn't actually check the page you're visiting. It checks your machine to see whether you have a reduced motion preference enabled and verifies that your browser can determine that setting. It can be useful for testing pages with animations, so you can make sure your setting reflects what the site is presenting to you.
When you click the link above or run the bookmarklet, a modal will appear and announce whether you have reduced motion turned off or on.
If you have reduced motion off, the circle below should be sending off a visible pulse. If you have reduced motion on, the circle should be static and not pulsing.
Mozilla's MDN Web Docs site has instructions on how to enable/disable reduced motion for most operating systems.